member of the Norwegian Drawing Center (Tegnerforbundet), BKI and the Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK)
Glafira is a Norway-based artist, curator, and educator. Her artistic practice spans different media – from graphics and video to sculpture and mural painting. Widely concerned with interpersonal relationships, collective behavioural patterns, and social dynamics, her work often takes the form of keen observation or ironic commentary. Glafira has created large-scale works for public spaces in Kjøllefjord, Berlevåg, Kirkenes, and Sandnessjøen. Recently she has been working with graphics, drawings, and videos. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Norway, England, Russia, and Germany (2024 Kunstfestival, Hamar, Norway, 2023 FORMAT, Derby, UK, 2022 The National Museum of Art in Norway, Oslo, 2022 Fresh legs, Berlin, 2019 Lit Naits, Mexico, QB Gallery, Oslo, 2016 Berlin: Making of Improvement of Market Facilities, ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz, Bildersaal Zukunft, Berlin, 2015 Barents Spektakel, Kirkenes, 2014 Russian North XI, etc).
2025-2022 Hearsay project by Kenneth Krabat and Cindy Lynn Brown, Danmark
2025-2023 Kjerringøy Land Art Biennale, Kjerringøy, Norway
2025 Solo Exhibition, Løten
Solo exhibitions
2024 hæærn fløtte, Løten, Norway
2024 Solo Exhibition and Workshop for Kunstfestivalen, Hamar
2020 1991, NoPlace Gallery, Oslo
2015 Survival Instructions w/ Dmitrii Novitskii, Barents Spektakel 2015, Kirkenes, Norway, Barents Bird festival, Murmansk, Russia
2013 Obe dve w/Daria Chebotar, Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Murmansk, Russia
Selected group exhibitions
2023 KunstArena, Rena, Norway
2023 Innlandsutstillingen 2023, Hamar, Norway
2023 Film 2023, LCB Depot Leicester, UK
2023 FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby, UK
2022 Fresh legs, Inselgalerie, Berlin, Germany
2022 Jeg kaller det kunst, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo, Norway
2022 Torsken kunstfestival, Grimstad, Norway
2020 Sammen, Gjesteatelieret i Vadsø, Finnmark, Norway
2019 Lit Naits, Mexico (Oh, Brother), QB Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2018 Gamma, festival of music, art, and new urban culture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2017 Letters to the Future: From the Future to the Past, DK Roza, St. Petersburg, Russia
2017 Letters to the Future: From the Present to the Past, w/ Ivan Galuzin, DK Roza, St. Petersburg, Russia
2016 Trusselbildet, w/ Ivan Galuzin, Sean Snyder, National Norwegian Aviation Museum, Bodø, Norway
2016 Berlin: Making of: Improvement of Market Facilities, ZUKUNFT am Ostkreuz, Bildersaal Zukunft, Berlin, Germany
2015 Design a Pattern for Russian Market Tents. Design competition, Kultur Byrå, Kirkenes, Norway
2014 Russian North XI, XI inter-regional group exhibition, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
2008, 2012 Hyperborea, International Snow Sculpture Festival, Petrozavodsk, Russia
2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Dew Point, international youth exhibition Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Murmansk, Russia
Curated exhibitions
2020 Dead Care Solo Exhibition by Anastasia Vepreva, Oslo, Norway
2020 Abduction an outdoor group video exhibition, curator, Oslo, Norway
2019 BOA in Public Space Program: For tilværelsen by Signe Becker, ALIEN8 by Morten Jensen Vågen, Home: on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown by Kim Hankyul, w/Ivan Galuzin (co-curator), Oslo, Norway
2019 Diplomat, Blaker gml.Meieri, Blaker, Norway
2018 2 262 The Kola Superdeep Borehole, solo exhibition by::vtol:: Dmitry Morozov, gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2017 Realism, Reality, Real, Braunschweig (360 Degrees), Gallery Kottishop, Berlin, Germany / Gallery Mario Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany / gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2017 Digital Balke | Divine North from Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum (Tromsø), co-curator, gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2017 Savepoint, solo exhibition by Anastasia Vepreva, interactive performance «There has never been a greater possibility to save the world” by Roman Osminkin during the opening, gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2016 Good morning, Agamemnon!, solo exhibition by Ivan Galuzin, gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2016 Hyperstate, exhibition by Lars Brekke, Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel, w/Ivan Galuzin (co-curator), gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2016 The Other Side, solo exhibition by Sergei Chebotar w/Ivan Galuzin (co-curator), gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2016 Deduction, video exhibition by A K Dolven, Yafei Qi, Sean Snyder, Natalia Egorova, Antonio Pauсar w/ Ivan Galuzin (co-curator), gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia
2015-2016 Den røde armès tilbaketrekning / The Withdrawal of the Red Army /Возвращение Красной Армии, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway, Barents Spektakel, Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes, Norway, gallery Ч9, Murmansk, Russia, Arkhangelsk exhibition Hall of Artists Union, Arkhangelsk, Russia, Blaker gml.Meieri, Blaker, Norway – co-curator, exhibition design in Tromsø and Kirkenes, co-curator, exhibition design, coordinator, and production manager in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Blaker
2015 An American, a German, and a Russian walk into a bar…, group exhibition by Ivan Galuzin, Cornelius Stiefenhofer, Vemund Thoe, coordinator and production manager, gallery Prostranstvo, Murmansk, Russia
2015 7-10/43, exhibition by Ivan Galuzin&Oleg Samoilov, coordinator and production manager, gallery Prostranstvo, Murmansk, Russia
2015 Induction, video exhibition by Jouko Alapartanen, Andrea Bakketun, Lars Brekke, Ivan Galuzin, Ane Hjort Guttu, Roderick Hietbrink, Kaia Hugin, Vemund Thoe w/Ivan Galuzin (co-curator), Murmansk, Russia
2014 BEART, contemporary Art festival Barents Region, set design, decoration, Murmansk, Russia
2011 MurmARTika, group exhibition by artists of the Murmansk region, Petrozavodsk, Russia
2006 Mnogotochie, group exhibition by Evgenii Baranov, Sergei Chebotar, Mikhail Lapin, Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Murmansk, Russia
2006 Об огнях-пожарищах, одрузьях-товарищах…, a group exhibition by the graphic artist 1941-1945, Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Murmansk, Russia
Participation in projects
2024-2018 Kjerringøy Land Art Biennale, coordinator, jury
2019 Bokturnè “Den røde armès tilbaketrekning / The Withdrawal of the Red Army / Возвращение Красной Армии”, Tromsø, Kirkenes, Murmansk
2018 Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 Nemoskva, National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA), Rosizo, travelling exhibition in 12 cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok, Russia
2018 Dark Ecology, research, and commissioning project Dutch Sonic Acts and Hilde Methi, site manager, additional production in the project “Nikel materiality”, SALT, Oslo, Norway
2017 Open Systems. Self-Organized Art Initiatives in Russia, 2000-2017, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Arkhangelsk, Saratov, Russia
2015 Dark Ecology, research, and commissioning project Dutch Sonic Acts and Hilde Methi, site manager, additional production in the project HC Gilje “Barents (Mare Incognitum)”
2013 Border Musical, snow theatre for the project Barents Spektakel 2013, Kirkenes, Norway
2012 GIERDU, SKINN og RiddoDuottarMuseat, Nord-Norge 2009 — 2011 I 2012 -2013, site manager in Murmansk
2010 Nord Rute, by Eric Mutel, France, Barents Spektakel 2010, Kirkenes, Norway
Presentations and keynotes
2024 Workshop for children for Gratisfestival for kreative barn og voksne, TEGNEVERKSTED. 29.06.2024, Løten, Norway
2023, 2022 Circolo Scandinavo, presentation of my new artworks for the public, Roma, Italy
2019 «Fra ikon til bulldoser (a short history about Russian art from 10th to 20th century)», lecture, Blaker, Norway
2018-2019 «Video and sound art, and experimental film in the Barents region» network meeting during the Lofoten Sound Art Symposium (LSAS), Inversia festival (Murmansk)
2018 ”Moscow: topology of art. Talk about self-organization, artist-run space”, seminar in The Electrotheatre Stanislavsky, organizer: the independent project “Место искусства” (”Mesto iskusstva”, “The Place of Art”), Moscow, Russia
2018 Chto Delat, School of Engaged Art, DK Roza, artist talk and screening, a workshop for students School of Engaged Art, DK Roza, St. Petersburg, Russia
2018 PRAKSIS residency (The Collective Subject of History), lecture, Oslo, Norway
2017 Dream Academy seminar, Art Academy in Tromsø (TACA), Kurant, Tromsø Kunstforening, lecture, Tromsø, Norway
2016 Residency Network Hub for Cultural Intermediaries, lecture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2016 VII Norwegian-Russian Culture Forum “Cultural landscape: a resource for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the regions and the development of cultural and educational tourism”, Murmansk, Russia
2016 Thinking at the Edge, forum by Office for Contemporary Art, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway
2016 Arctic Art Forum, seminar, lecture, Arkhangelsk, Russia
2016 Arctic snow and light, seminar, Alta-Kirovsk-Murmansk
2015 VI Norwegian-Russian Culture Forum, lecture, Vardø, Vadsø, Norway
2015 Barents Incubator of Cultural Initiatives, Rovaniemi, Finland
2015 Artistic contribution “Look at it! The role of art in public spaces”, as a part of the Norwegian-Russian Culture Forum, Hurtigruten, moving transborder cafe between Kirkenes and Vardø, Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes, Norway
2015 “Art and social changes» assembly session, lecture, Teriberka, Russia
2014 Contemporary Art in the European North, lecture, Arkhangelsk, Russia
2014 Culture Today and Tomorrow. Development prospects, the forum of Culture of the Murmansk region, Murmansk, Russia
2014 V Norwegian-Russian Culture Forum, lecture, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
2014 “Culture of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: New Horizons Development Strategy” international conference, moderator of the section “Synthesis of Art: a new development paradigm”, Murmansk, Russia
2014 Scientific-practical conference with international participation “Design Arctic: Challenges”, lecture, Murmansk, Russia
Participation in the residence program
2024-2023 Klevfos Industrimuseum, Løten, Norway
2023 Circolo Scandinavo, residency, Rome, Italy
2022 Circolo Scandinavo, residency, Rome, Italy
2020 Gjesteatelieret i Vadsø, residency, Finnmark, Norway
2019 Studio 11, Skulpturenzentrum i Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
2018 Casa Randi, Icod de los Vinos, Tenerife
2015 High North AiR Network residence, Air Barents 2015: Christensen Gallery’s residency Rosa Huset in Kjøllefjord, Berlevågatelieene in Kvitbrakka and Kunstkvarteret in Stamsund, Lofoten, Norway
2015 ArtBase Helgeland 66°N, residence program, Kulturbadet i Sandnessjøen, Norway
2013 Barents Artist Residence Program BAR International, Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes, Norway
Selected bibliography
2024 editor “Lavt i Terrenget, Den 8. Kjerringøy Land Art Biennale 2021” i bilder og tekst, ISBN 978-82-692526-2-0
2019 editor “Katalog, K-Lab Nord 2019, The 7. Kjerringøy Land Art Biennale North”
2018 Editor “Den røde armès tilbaketrekning / The Withdrawal of the Red Army / Возвращение Красной Армии” w/ Ivan Galuzin, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Orkana Forlag AS, ISBN 978-82-8104-325-1, in 2019 prize Årets vakreste Bok — Sølv BOKOMSLAG VOKSEN
2017 “За ускользающим настоящим” (“Towards an elusive present”), essay “Decorativnoe iskusstvo” №1/422 2017, p. 134-135, Moscow, Russia
2017 Exhibition text for Ivan Galuzin’s exhibition “Choice of Matter”, Island, Oslo
2011 “Tam in toga, quam in sago”, essay for “Murmansk coast ASTES: cultural almanac”: № 7, 2011. p 175-182.
2009 “In the North, bright…”, essay for “Murmansk coast ASTES: cultural almanack”: № 6, 2009. p.169-175.
2007 “The many facets of creativity”, essay for “Russian Gallery, the 21st Century” № 4, 2007, Moscow
2007 “North duo”, essay for “Murmansk coast ASTES: cultural almanac”: №4 – 2007
2006 “The Master and the sea. Notes on the life and works of VG Baranov”, essay for “Murmansk coast ASTES: cultural almanack”: №3 – 2006
2005 “Как ТПО музеем стало”, the magazine “Murmansk stroitelniy”, 2005
Publications and press
2024 “Drømmen om skogen“, Løten kommune, 06.05.2024
2023 “Glafira fikk Trætteberg-stipendet 2023“, Løten kommune, 07.06.2023
2022 Jeg kaller det kunst, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 978-82-8154-141-2, pp.50-51, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo
2020 “Utenomjordiske bortføringer på Kontraskjæret i Oslo“, Astrid Ottmann-Knoph, 25.11.2020
2020 “Videokunst under trekronene“, 11.11.2020, OFKS BLOGG
2019 Perspektiv, klassekampen, 04.05.2019
2019 “Bildene ble tatt I iskaldt vann”, Marte Nordahl, Romerikes Blad, 11.05.2019
2019 “Åpner utstilling om tømmerfløternes siste ferd“, Indre Akershus Blad, 03.05.2019
2019 interview “Транспоколенческая травма не может быть грустной“, COLTA.Ru, 28.01.2019
2018 “Letters to the Future”, St. Petersburg
2017 “Письма в будущее”. Катя Иванова, aroundart
2017 “Steady up in the dark Murmansk”, text by Hilde Sørstrøm
2017 “The huddled audience”, text by Stian Gabrielsen
2015 ”Iskald krim” Morgenbladet Nr. 6 / 6.–12. 02.2015
2015 ”Lager overlevelsesguide for grenselandet” Sør-Varanger Avis 17.01.2015, Birgitte Wisur Olsen, 19.01.2015
2015 ”Fargelegger Finnmark: – Det var jo gammelt og slitt” ifinnmark. Kristina Bøland 14.08.2015
2015 ”Artikulerer sin samtid kritisk”. Se Kunst, #01, mars 2015
2015 ”Fem dager Barents Spektakel” Kunstforum, Marianne Darlén Solhaugstrand, 11.03.2015
2015 “Tusen takk for kunsten!” Alstahaug kommune, Linda Jakobsen, 30.06.2015
2015 ”Hellige” tetrapoder, eller ikke?” 24.08.2015
2024 Næringsstøtte fra Løten kommune
2024-2023 Hallvard Trættebergs stipend
2023 Næringsstøtte fra Løten kommune
2022 BKH, Gjesteateliertilskudd
2020 Oslo kommunes krisestipend
2019 Travel Grant, Barentssekretariatet
2018 Travel Grant, International Support, OCA (Office of Contemporary Art Norway)
Mastergrad i kunsthistorie
Studiekompetanse (Oslo Voksenopplæring Sinsen, Storhamar videregående skole)
2014 Institute for Educational Development, Personnel Management, Murmansk
1999-2004 Murmansk State Pedagogical University, Department of Culture and Art. Finished with Red Diploma — art historian and art history teacher
1995-1999 Pedagogical College, Murmansk